Here is made up to narrate a story,a story of a bewildered soul,a story of a prideful one:My narration of beweilderment and pride.But not an ordinary narration;This is gonna be my story based upon my new description of narration!!!:Every simple perception in any way you can tell it is a narration!
Friday, December 30, 2005
Conquest of my own soul!
Getting sick of seeking sth special in the outer world,I am into my own private & calm one!There is an uncertain perception persisting to start this quest!So let's close the doors!The home is getting rearranged!
Shall the Lord's grace lead me to find some hidden treasures!!!!!Sth SPECIAL
Blogger Sohail S. said...
1- I know you will find, and, that will be; you. I'm sure!

2- You will find everything you've been after for enough long. you will.